Time left to order for tomorrow


Looking for a UNIQUE & FUN way to:

·      Earn needed and additional funds?

·      Recognize a student or staff member?

·      Announce a game, theatre production, or other special occasion?

Tell us where to put the Critter Yard Card and who to make the check out to!

It's that easy!

When someone orders a Critter Yard Card for a student or staff member, we arrive and install the character before school starts.

It doesn't get any better than that (well, maybe it does)! After we surprise the recipient on their special day, YOUR SCHOOL receives a check at the end of each month. Meaning, a portion of every Critter Yard Card we deliver goes into the school’s pocket.

Wait, that's not all!

Your school also receives a voucher for a free Critter Yard Card. Use it to announce a school reminder, celebration, or even the Principal's birthday. The options are endless!

… And there’s more!

If your school throws silent auctions, we will give you a certificate for a (2) two day Critter Yard Card rental to be auctioned off.

Everyone wins! Students, parents, and faculty alike enjoy seeing these 8 ft tall characters and now your school can earn money effortlessly just by participating. If you have the authority to talk to us about getting your school involved and making money, fill out this form. Otherwise, print the form and send it to the appropriate faculty member. Thank you!

Submit Your Schools Info Below

  • (ex: Principal or Teacher or Secretary)